History Of Ottoman Empire || The dream of an Empire

History Of Ottoman Empire Part 1 

Once Algeria, Morocco, Tunis, Yemen, Kuwait,  Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Palestine...  Greece, Bulgaria , Albania, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Macedonia, Serbia,  Turkey, Romania, Kosovo and Hungary... 

Were under single rule that was called the Great Ottoman Empire. It spread over 3 continents and lasted for 6 centuries how this Empire became a Super power of the  world? And what factors led it to such a downfall that today this empire is lost in history? 

I am Faisal Warraich and I will tell you all this in the new series on the Ottoman Empire... by 'Dekho, Sunu, Jano.' It is the present day Turkey but 1,000 years prior it had an alternate name 'Anatolia.' Then the Eastern Anatolia was administered by the Seljuk Sultans who had a place with the Turkish race while... the Romans involved the remainder of Anatolia. 

The History Of Ottoman Empire First Sultan To Last Sultan Full Information

It was the passage toward the Eastern Europe which was too... heavily influenced by the Romans. Constantinople was the Capital of the Roman Empire. Today Constantinople is known as Istanbul. The Roman Empire was called Byzantine Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire. In the Roman piece of Anatolia, a wonderful lake called 'Van' is arranged. 

A legend approaches this lake that a beast half crocodile and half fish lives in that. It might be a legend or a reality yet the lake presents an appealing perspective. At the bank of the lake a terrific notable church exists. On the Church dividers a Biblical story has been engraved. A concise fight was battled at the bank of this very lake 1,000 years prior that switched things around of the set of experiences.

The Turks hold a grand function at the bank of the lake every year to celebrate their victory in that battle. The Turkish president also attends the function that shows how important it is. In a sport in that function Turkish horsemen also display their archery skill by shooting the target backward... without holding reins of the galloping horses. 

Ottoman History In English 

It is a game for the Turks today but 948 years ago... their ancestors used this very skill to capture whole of Anatolia from the Romans. The history shows that the Seljuks and the Romans were battling for Anatolia in the 11th century . 

But historically this area was part of the Byzantine empire. And the Romans had set up a long row of forts on their borders to check attacks from the Turks. The Roman troops were deployed in those border forts to face the attackers. But the number of attacks from the Turks increased so much that the Roman troops failed to stop them. So the Roman Emperor, Romulus, formed an army of over 100,000 to end threats from the Turks permanently. 

Makki TV Kurulus Osman History Of Osman Ghazi

At the time Emperor Romulus was preparing for war with the Turks, the most powerful Sultan of the Seljuki... Turks, Alp Arsalan, was engaged in a war with the Fatimid Caliphate of Egypt۔ Fatimid Caliphate controlled Jerusalem and the Syrian coast. Alp Arsalan wanted to capture them. Now Alp Arsalan was threatened by a two-front war. 

Therefore Alp Arsalan offered a deal to Emperor Romulus to avoid war with the Romans. He proposed both sides stop raiding each other's territories. Romulus might have agreed to it but the unclear borders between the two empires were a problem. Both the empires also did not have strict control over their respective border areas. 

Therefore no agreement was possible and the Roman Army continued movement towards the Seljuki borders. Leading a large army Romulus reached Manzikert area of Anatolia in the year 1071. Seljuki Sultanate was not far from Manzikert. In this situation Alp Arsalan had no option except leaving one front۔ Arsalan stopped war with the Fatimid's and returned to his power-base Iran to get ready to face the Romans.

In the first episode of the history of Turkey - Ottoman Empire, you'll know about the specific part of the world history i.e. 

1- What was the origin of Ottoman Empire?

2- The amazing and best story of Osman, Othman or Utman.

3- The Turk clans of the Anatolia and the last days of Byzantine Empire.

4- What was Seljuk Empire?

Snow capped mountain Arsalan arranged a multitude of 30,000 fighters which included exceptionally prepared horsemen and toxophilite. Snow capped mountain Arsalan and his powers arrived at the bank of Lake Van and encompassed an enormous aspect of the Roman armed force. It was an unexpected assault by the Turks that panicked the Romans. The Romans confronted another difficulty when the Turkish hired fighters in their powers sold out. They joined the multitude of Alp Arsalan. 

This advancement made disarray among the Romans. So one aspect of the Roman armed force got away. It likewise disheartened the staying Roman soldiers. These soldiers were under Romulus' order. However, unexpectedly gossip spread that the King was dead. The gossip removed the battling soul of all the Christian armed force. Subsequent to confronting the Turks indifferently for quite a while, the Roman powers started to withdraw. 

The Romans had a huge armed force yet they lost in 24 hours. Yet, another astounding thing planned to occur. Toward the finish of the war, a Seljuk officer preceded Sultan Alp Arsalan alongside a harmed Roman warrior. King asked, "who is this?" The trooper answered, "he is Roman Emperor, Romulus." Alp Arsalan could hardly imagine how the Roman Emperor was lying on his feet. 

Arsalan put his foot on the neck of Romulus and asked, "In the event that I were in your place what might you do to me?" Romulus answered, "I would have executed you or hauled you through the roads of Constantinople in chains." Alp Arsalan stated, "you can't envision how repulsive my retribution will be. I will excuse you." After that Alp Arsalan treated Romulus well overall. He furnished Romulus with great garments and food. 

Who Is Osman Ghazi First Sultan Ottoman Empire

He likewise constrained Romulus to an arrangement that gave control of a huge territory of Anatolia to the Seljuks. Roman Emperor additionally vowed to pay 1.5 million gold coins, yearly recognition and marriage of his little girl... with the child of the Sultan. Thereafter Emperor Romulus was liberated. What's more, what occurred next was a similar which Alp Arsalan... had said about delivering a loathsome retribution from Romulus. 

At the point when Romulus was returning to Constantinople, rebels captured him. At the point when Romulus was out of the city, individuals rebelled against him and another sovereign dominated. The revolutionaries blinded Romulus and put him in jail where he died in hopelessness. Since that time the Turks hold this piece of Anatolia in spite of the reality the Romans and the Christians powers... made numerous endeavors to get their property back however they fizzled. 

The piece of Anatolia under the Turks' control likewise got extraordinary ever. Since a traveling clan that lived here, raised steers for living and had nothing to do with the world issues... got referred to the world as the Ottoman Turks. Nobody comprehends what was their genuine name, their previous religion and local territory. Since their set of experiences was composed a century after the foundation of the Ottoman Empire. 

Osman Father Ertugrul Ghazi History In English

In this manner no one makes certain of the validness of their initial history. After Seljuk Turks involved a huge piece of Anatolia, the Ottoman Turks additionally started to move unreservedly around there. The Ottoman Turks were fearless, dedicated and great contenders. The clans that were faithful to the Seljuk's had the essential obligation of guarding the Seljuk Empire against the Romans. As such they filled in as a 'cushion zone' or 'vital profundity' for the Seljuk Empire. 

The significant misfortune that went to the Seljuks was from Genghis Khan in the East and not from the Romans. Genghis Khan had extraordinary preference for the fine garments which were accessible in the business sectors of the Islamic states. He sent dealers to Khwarazm Shah, who administered Iran and Central Asia, to bring the best garments for him But Khwarezm Shah believed that these merchants were spies of Genghis Khan and executed them. 

The executing of the merchants profoundly erupted Genghis Khan who sent a courier to Khwarezm Shah to ask... about current realities yet Khwarezm Shah additionally executed the courier. This demonstration expanded the rage of Genghis Khan and he chose to assault the Muslims states. He seriously crushed the Muslim states from the fringe of China to Baghdad. Genghis Khan likewise arrived at Anatolia where his replacements squashed the Seljuk Empire. 

This pulverization left a much diminished Seljuki express that was called 'Seljuki Rum.' 'Seljuki Rum' was a gathering of little states which the relatives of the relations of Alp Arsalan dominated. In Seljuki Rum and the Roman Empire, Ottoman Turks drove by Osman were bit by bit... getting power. 

Very little data is accessible with regards to the origin of Osman and his initial life. Indeed, even it isn't certain whether Osman was his genuine name or it was 'Atman' or 'Ataman.' Because the Arabic name 'Osman' was given to him a lot later. 

He was well known for his valiance and the multitude of profoundly prepared warriors and pony riders. The horsemen were prepared to the point that they used to shoot the prey without holding reins of the dashing ponies. 

Osman jumped at the chance to live among his warriors which advanced love and regard for him. In a brief timeframe Osman accumulated an enormous multitude of the Turk horsemen. He additionally got help from other Turk Beyliks (pioneers) who lived in the encompassing regions. 

Presently he had become sufficient that the little gatherings of Mongols stayed away from to face him. Osman needed to assault the Roman Byzantine Empire to grow his region and guarantee its assurance. However, the River Sakarya represented an obstacle in the method of his aspiration. 

The Roman Byzantine Empire was arranged over this waterway. On the riverside the toxophilite in the Roman posts undermined Osman's progression. At that point a cataclysmic event occurred in the year 1300 or 1302 River Sakarya changed its course and the River water tossed down the solid posts of the Byzantine Empire. 

Osman was searching for this very chance. He crossed the stream and began assaults on the Roman land. At the point when the Byzantine sovereign was educated about these assaults. He sent a military to counter the trespassers. So as to confront the Byzantine armed force, Osman utilized the military procedure he had gained from the Mongols. Osman sent a little gathering of officers who withdrew after a short battle and baited the foe into a snare.

The Roman armed force pursued this unexpected and entered a lush region where Osman's fundamental power was covering up. Osman immediately encompassed the adversary and dispatched a powerful assault. The Roman Army endured a devastating thrashing in this fight. Later Osman vanquished numerous posts and urban communities of the Byzantine Empire including its significant city, Yenisei Osman made Yenisehir the capital of his domain. These great triumphs made Osman saint of all Turks in the area. As such all Turks of Anatolia started to accumulate under his pennant individually. 

The military quality of Osman was developing yet it was no counterpart for the Romans. However, the Roman may didn't discourage Osman from assaulting the Roman grounds. His military missions likewise expanded the quantity of Osman's foes. When Osman's uncle attempted to prevent him from military missions however Osman got irritated by his recommendation. Osman detested the individuals who scrutinized his position. Osman was irate to the point that he executed his uncle. 

Osman regarded an ancestral senior Sheik Edebali and counseled him on significant issues. He viewed Sheik Edebali as his profound guide. He likewise needed to wed Sheik's little girl however Ebadali was against this marriage. A legend goes that Osman saw a fantasy that the moon was moving from the body of the Sheik to his body. At that point a tremendous tree developed from his body and parts of the tree spread from the East toward the West. 

At that point 4 streams emerged from these roots while 4 high mountains upheld the parts of the tree. Out of nowhere a solid breeze blew which conveyed leaves of the tree to a superb city. The place that is known for the city met two seas and two mainlands. This city resembled a ring that Osman needed to wear. In any case, Osman woke up at this stage. At the point when he advised the fantasy to Sheik Edebali he stated, "God will favor you with a major realm.. furthermore, you will likewise wed my little girl." History is observer that the fantasy materialized. It started with the marriage of the Sheik's little girl, Rabia, with Osman. 

The understanding of the fantasy and the debilitating intensity of the Romans significantly supported Osman. In 1317, he attacked a significant city (Bursa) of the Byzantine Empire, close to the city of Constantinople. The Ottoman Turks developed successful following 10 years of battle with the Romans. The Governor of Bursa gave up before the Army of Osman in 1326 Osman was close to his demise when Bursa was won. 

Osman was satisfied when his child Orhan passed on him the updates on their triumph. Osman lauded his child and selected him his replacement. He exhorted his child to cover him in Brusa... also, make this city the new capital of the Ottoman Sultanate. A couple of days after the fact, Osman kicked the bucket and his body was covered in Bursa where his burial chamber actually stands. Following up on the desire of his dad, Orhan made Bursa new Capital of his Sultanate. 

Presently the Ottoman Turks had obtained a gigantic land which they called Empire. Orhan accepted the title of 'King' rather than 'Bey' which was recently utilized for the Turkish rulers... for example, Osman Bey and Orhan Bey. King Orhan turned into the main Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. 

The establishment of the realm that Osman found in his fantasy, had been set down. Yet, this recently conceived domain had dangers from the Romans as well as from another... Turkish domain called 'Kerasid Empire' that was picking up quality in the West of the Ottoman Turks. It was conceivable that the Romans and the Kerasids would hold submits future to end the Ottoman Turks until the end of time. 

King Orhan was highly stressed due to this issue. However, the nature gave him the possibility which any Sultan gets in hundreds of years. What was that? Furthermore, how it became conceivable that once a little Ottoman state close to the Roman land, gone into to huge Ottoman... Domain and it encompassed the Romans from the East and the West? I will give you this in the following scene of the Ottoman Empire.

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