The Mongol Tribes & Genghis Khan || Temujin To Genghis Khan || Rise Of Genghis Khan

The mongol tribe history in english

 In This Article History Of Mangol Empire Up there with some of the most tenacious leaders of history, Genghis Khan was strategic, ruthless, and surprisingly progressive. And we're gonna read today how he laid the foundations for the largest contiguous land Empire in the history of the world.

Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan

 Hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of History Behind Warlords. Kashif here to take you through the turbulent and tumultuous history behind our new setting for Stronghold: Warlords, East Asia. We've got an abundance of treachery, romance, and conquest. All in the events leading up to the historical campaigns that you will be playing in Stronghold: Warlords next year. So I thought it'd be fun to cover them here to get you invested. And get you prepared for all the various battles and sieges you will be orchestrating in the final game. So today we're going to be looking at the start of the Mongol Empire. In particular Genghis Khan, or Chinggis Khan depending on how you pronounce it, and his upbringing. This in preparation for you as you'll be joining him in one of the historical campaigns to expand his Mongol Empire! . So first of all let's lay the ground work for what was one of the most hostile environments in history. Before you had Genghis Khan born as Temujin in what would be now modern Mongolia, East Russia, and northern China. You basically had a bunch of Confederations and Dynasties all pillaging, invading, annexing and taking each other's populace as prisoner.Now this had been the way of this part of the world for hundreds of years. Since the Rouran Khaganate would wage war the Gokturks.

This would continue until the 12th Century when Genghis Khan would eventually unite all these different Dynasties, Confederations, and Tribes under the Mongol Empire. But before Temujin's rise to the title of Genghis Khan he had several factions to overthrow. Including the Naimans, the Merkits, that Tatars, the Khamag Mongolas, and the Keraites. All vying for land and dominance over one another. Add to this the conquest dynasty of the Jurchen Jinacquisition of the Liao Dynasty... I know, it gets pretty complicated. Forcing them to create the Western Liao Dynasty in Central Asia and basically you had several deadly groups all forming plans of annexation and invasion. Not cool for your local pacifists. But interestingly to note, while this was all happening...Genghis and where his tribe would have operated, this region was experiencing the mildest and wettest period of weather in a very long time. Leading to an agriculture boom, livestock flourishing, all that good stuff! And you can probably guess how that's gonna come into play. Now going back to all the different tribes and all the warfare and Dynasties, all going around and killing and pillaging etc.

who were the mongols in the middle ages

Basically what you had was: the whole region where Genghis would unite all these tribes into the Mongol Empire..You had all these people here in this kill-or-be-killed scenario. Where if you were not wise to the common raids that were coming your way, if you weren't trained as a warrior, if you could have fend for yourself, if you didn't have a survivalist mentality then you were going to find yourself in an early grave. And as the protector of a tribe you had to be wise and knowledgeable about the treachery of the Steppes. Not only in the fellow tribes which may attack you but the weather and season changes as well. And then when it came around to Genghis uniting you and your fellow tribesmen under this one flag so to speak. You were all trained in the survivalist nature of the Steppes. So you were already battle-hardened warriors, you were already bad asses basically, ready to pillage and destroy everyone around you. And it wasn't always you know, who should I stab in the back, or raid. It was also who shall I politically ally myself to with a marriage. While surviving and knowing how to fight was obviously a central part of Mongolian tribal life,there was also some cunning a strategic work at play here as well. Now mix into this a portion of healthy warrior competition, horseback riding, archery,wrestling, along with a casual sense of death. And all you needed was a man like Genghis to make these fingers into a fist.

who defeated the mongols,
who defeated the mongols,

 Now believe it or not some say Temujin was born clutching a blood clot the size of a knuckle bone in his right hand. And in some older shamanic cultures this is the symbol of a great leader. Temujin's upbringing was a commonly tough one. Made more so by the fact he was an outcast in his tribe. His mother Heolunwas captured by the chieftain Yesugei and their family was often treated as outcasts. Under the harsh and calculated teachings of his foster father Yesugei,Temujin would harden. Creating an uneasy father and son in-law dynamic. In the modern world you would probably just book some therapy. But back then apparently you became one of the leaders of the most epic empires in history. At what was probably the earliest possible moment, Yesugei married Temujin off to a nearby tribe to a girl named Borte. He left Temujin at their tribe to work for several years in tribute to their upcoming marriage. But sadly according to the 'Secret life of the Mongols', returning from dropping Temujin off at this nearby tribe, Yesugei was poisoned. Yesugei had stopped, greeted and ate with Tartar tribesman. Probably not knowing that there were Tatars, and one of them actually recognized Yesugei as the man who had killed one of his comrades in a raid. They served up Yesugei a hot steaming broth of poison. He then he fell ill while returning to his tribe. In one of his final acts, perhaps solid fying his deep love for Temujin. He recalled him back to the tribe to be protected by it. Because Temujin at this point was still a young boy. And Yesugei's death was terrible news for the family of Temujin and his mother Hoelun. Because without the provider of the family they were treated as outcasts and they were left behind when the tribe uprooted and traveled. But Heolun was having none of it and resisted.

Who 'Day and night she fed their hungry gullets,Born brave, the noble mother nourished her sons who were favored with heavens good fortune.' But even while seeing his mother's stout resolve and sacrifice for him, he was to turn to the dark side. Killing one of his brothers. Undoing all the hard work his mother had done trying to keep them all alive. And while doing so he was imprisoned by the tribe they were now staying with. Although it turns out the punishment for killing your own sibling is pretty light in Mongolia at the time. And all that gets you placed in is the Cangue, which is like a Mongolian version of the stocks. I wonder what you get the genocide.. Oh wait yeah, an Empire. But after a cunning escape plan which included waiting for the weaker and younger prison guard to be on shift. He subsequently knocked him out and then ran just outside the camp. Knowing that his captures would search for him assuming he had fled. Now Temujin was free and with his freedom, orchestrated an exit strategy for his now tainted family. The host tribe which had imprisoned Temujin and was looking for him and his family, now that he was, you know, a murderer and everything. They were called the Tayicut, and hopefully I'm pronouncing that right. So to escape the persecution of the  Tayicut, Temujin went to Toghrul who was the leader of another tribe called the Keraites. Who I mentioned above. The Keraites were a very vast and powerful tribe. And he gifted Toghrul, the leader of them, a black sabre coat. Which was a wedding present of him and Bortes. Oh, by the way, they did actually get married in the end and the black sabre coat was like a nice wedding present. Gifting Toghrul the black sabre coat would unify his family with those at a Toghrul's and they would now be under his protection. Of course this wasn't to be the end of the hardships of Temujin, but already we're seeing the groundwork for his rise to the title Genghis Khan. We're seeing a cunning mind, we're seeing strategy, we're seeing a survivalist nature. Temujin  clearly has resolve.

mongol empire,

 So lets summarize what we know so far.The land which is to become the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan is a breeding ground for battle-hardened warriors, strategic minds and survivalists. And one of the key examples of these survivalists is Temujin. Who on his way to becoming Genghis Khan is experiencing one of the hardest childhoods known to man. He's been imprisoned, he's been an outcast,he's killed his own brother, you know, he's went through all kinds of stuff. But we need to now know the tipping point is. Perhaps the moment which signifies to Temujin, signifies to everyone around him that he is capable of becoming a great warrior. Not only the leader of a Tribe, but the leader of an Empire. So now we fast forward and the previously mentioned Merkit Tribe is on the prowl,on the hunt for Temujin and his wife Borte. And why do they want to hurt Temujin? Because his father Yesugei, or foster father Yesugei, had originally captured Temujin's birth mother Heolun from their tribe. So now the sins of the father has become the sins of the son. And they want to capture Borte. Man, these ladies can't catch a break. Now Borte would actually successfully be captured by the Merkits. But with his allegiance with Toghrul, who also had his own problems with the Merkit tribe because the Merkits had imprisoned him as a kid.  Classic. And a shout-out to Jamuhka who was also Temujin's blood brother. Blood brother as in like.  blood brother. All those three guys Temujin, Toghrul and Jamukha would mount an attack to attempt to free Borte. And during the attack to free Borte, Temujin would lead a troop of 20,000 men. He was barely 20 years old! It is at this point that I believe this to be the tipping point where Temujin himself and the people around him began to see the Khan inside him. Began to see the start of this great leader. Now there will be many more plots, battles, betrayals and conquests which would see Temujin take the title of Genghis Khan later on. But here you can see how with childhood hardship, a warrior skill set and a cunning strategic mind.. Temujin would become one of the greatest leaders in history.  Genghis Khan. And we're gonna stop it there because that is exactly as always where you're going to come income 2020 when Stronghold: Warlords releases. You will be joining Temujin in his rise to the title of Genghis Khan and his expansion of the Mongol Empire.

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