Life in Ottoman Empire || Ottoman Empire Structure || Ottoman Empire Culture

Life In Ottoman Empire || Ottoman Empire Culture 

Ottoman Empire Culture In English
 For almost six centuries the dynasty Ottoman ruled a vast empire that in the heyday of his power stretched from Budapest on the Danube to Basra in the mouth of the Persian Gulf and from Crimea on the northern coasts of the black sea to tunisia in the south shores of the Mediterranean.
In This Article I Well Show With You History Of Ottoman Empire Ottoman Society And Culture

Ottoman Society & Culture :

Life in Ottoman Empire
Life in Ottoman Empire

The Ottomans divided their society into two distinct classes the Askeri rulers and the governed reaya, because the state was organized as a machine conquest-oriented war fare ruling classes considered themselves part of the military organization, the class leader was divided into four groups with their corresponding functions, the imperial institution led by the sultan himself centered the leadership and direction of the others institutions and the whole system Ottoman military institution was charged with extending and defending the empire, the administrative institution organized as an imperial treasure was specifically in charge of collecting and use the sources of income of the empire and the cultural class that included to all the Ottomans who were experts in religious sciences she was in charge to organize and spread the faith and keep religious law, senior officials in Christian communities like those patriarchs of the orthodox church were also included as members of the ruling class.

 Key features Of Ottoman Empire

The reaya consisted of merchants peasant and nomadic artisans produced goods and paid the taxes that merchants or artisans made up a segment important of the urban area, others were the saraf money changers,the peasants constitute the overwhelming majority of the population in the empire the Ottoman state preferred the peasants than nomads because those who they cultivated the land they settled they paid taxes and they could be recruited for the army while nomads avoided both, on top of the pyramid of power was the sultan an absolute monarch of law divine the sultan enjoyed the god given authority to rule his subjects considered him the only legitimate source of power he could by therefore demand absolute obedience from they included full control over their lives and possessions, despite their absolute power the sultan could not rape Islamic law or custom the opinion of the Muslim community expressed to through the ulema could influence strongly in their decisions and actions, the grand vizier administered the daily affairs of the empire from divan-i hümayun or the imperial council which served as the deliberative body highest Ottoman government okay to Mehmed's legal code second the grand vizier was the head of the viziers and commanders who in all matter she acted as the absolute deputy of the sultan appointed all officials both in the administration central as in the provincial.
History Of Ottoman Empire In English

 Marriage :

 One of the basic teachings of Islam was promoting marriage and condemnation of celibacy only those who suffered serious financial difficulties they could legitimately remain singles, it was expected that all Muslims will marry, girls will married at an early age and sometimes shortly after they had reached the puberty all marriages were arranged in advance the marriage was a contract negotiated and executed by the families involved and legalized by a religious judge or other member available from the religious class the law Islamic had not set an age for marriage and in the ottoman empire as in other Islamic states many families gave their daughters in marriage although they were not allowed to move into the her husband's house until they reached puberty a good marriage was a union that improved economic status and social family did everything possible therefore to find a spouse whose family was the same or superior in social and economic status. According to Islamic law a man had right to four wives while for a woman polygamy was impossible and monogamy was the rule in the quran men were told that they could marry other women who they will consider two three or four but what if they couldn't keep the equality between them should only marry with a however in the empire ottoman and other Muslim states the Available evidence indicates that between men monogamy was the norm dominant and that those with more than one wife made up a tiny group in Ottoman society.
Ottoman Empire History In Urdu

Clothing :

Ottoman Empire Structure
Ottoman Empire Structure

 As soon as a girl reached the door put on the veil and no man I could see his face and body unless were his father male relatives immediate and later her husband even they covered their hands with gloves on the first half of the 18th century the ladies of the court and women of the upper classes they were wearing a pair of pants very complete they reached their shoes and hidden in his legs these pants that were of a variety of bright colors and were blocked with silver flowers also wore robes with wide sleeves hanging the apron it was made of fine silk with edges rich women embroidered wore a relatively tight vest with very long sleeves falling back and with gold fringes and buttons diamonds or pearls, men wore a long vest jacket from the back knee length shoes pointed and high-heeled too tarbush a typical ottoman hat his clothing was also colorful shiny and made of silk.
Ottoman Empire History In English

Foods & Dishes :

Ottoman Empire Structure
Ottoman Empire Structure

Ottoman Empire Structure
The daily diet of the ottoman empire is heavily influenced by traditions culinary of the towns that came to rule like the Armenian Greeks Arab and Kurdish dishes based on wheat and lamb were introduced after that the Turks settled in anatolia and seafood dishes were adopted as part of the daily meal after to reach the Aegean coast and the Mediterranean, foods included chicken poultry lambs fish variety of fruits seafood nuts and use varied spices some dishes traditional are mahmudiye bird soup it was the sultan's favorite dish second mahmud was a chicken with flavor of almonds, apricots, raisins,honey, cinnamon and lemon juice, Kebab from milk sheep and lamb meat was lef tthe melon rest for a long time dolma was one of the exotic dishes of Ottoman cuisine the ingredient of dolma included lamb, rice, spices pistachio almonds and currants.

Towns & Colony System :

 Every Ottoman urban center was divided into mahalles or neighborhoods the Ottoman towns and cities contained various ethnic communities and religious and each community lived in its mahalle himself spent most of his life in his neighborhood and rarely ventured beyond their local sphere of activity because all your daily needs could be met in their immediate social environment, inmost mahalles there was a small daily produce market a small mosque a butcher shop, shop, vendors of fruits and other institutions that social services were provided by residents of a mahalle looked regularly and this fostered a sense distinctive of the identity of the neighborhood that often acquired the characteristics of an extended family.A Muslim Mahalle was represented by a magnet who served as boss religious of his community and for the kethüda who acted as representative of the government likewise a mahalle Christian or Jewish was led by apriest or rabbi, the mahalle provided the Ottoman Empire authorities with the means to raise taxes in all urban centers of the empire, the house consisted of courts the first was the courtyard exterior that served as an area of reception for visitors and male guests the second was the inner courtyard was reserved for women of the family and was in every Muslim home was a private place closed to all outsiders and strangers, the great hall reserved for men family to socialize with their guests was called selamlik.

Children's Education System :  

Ottoman Empire Structure
Ottoman Empire Structure

The most important responsibility of parents was to convey the values traditions customs and practices of their religion your children follow the rules and the laws of islam were essential to the Muslim peasants while obey the authority of the church and liveaccording to the teachings of the Christianity was central to the beliefs and daily life of Christian peasants, the education of a young muslim started in schools primary or sibyan mektepleri and they were generally located within a külliye complex of mosques or fit independent buildings in many towns and neighborhoods of the city, children five years or older attended these schools and classes were often taught by religious officials like the Imam thedea or the caretaker of the mosque the main objective of the education of them mektep was teaching children to read write and do all four basic arithmetic operations in addition to memorize passages from the quran and precepts of islam in his senior year in the mektep the dictionaries were studied in Arabic and Persian. Girls received an education family at home mothers they taught their daughters how to cook, sew take care of family animals and bring childcare more little ones at home this prepared young girls by the time who became wives and mothers in terms of values ​​to girls it taught them to be modest and chaste they also had to demonstrate obedience absolute and respect towards their parents and other older family members. The educated women in the palace learned how to read and write ottoman turkish they also studied the principles fundamentals of Islam as well as the sewing, embroidery, singing and playing arts various musical instruments.
Ottoman Empire Security System

Security System :

 To impose their dominion over a so diverse population and keep peace and security for your subjects the state Ottoman downplayed ethnic differences and linguistic and instead emphasized the religion as the primary form of identity, the central government organized the non-muslim population in tres mijos officially sanctioned.Greek Orthodox headed by the ecumenical patriarch, Armenians headed by the Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and Jews who were later headed by the Hahambass or rabbi in istanbul. Every religious community or Millet enjoyed cultural and legal autonomy and also of managing your own affairs inmates under leadership of their own religious hierarchy, each millet chose their own leader who received the blessing and approval of the sultan tolerance shown by the Ottoman sultans there meant that the Jews and theChristians of the empire were seen and treated as equal to Muslims according to islamic law the Jews and Christians were people of the book or religious communities protected who lived under authority of a Muslim sovereign, the sultan is forced to protect life and owned by their Jews and Christians who they were required to pay the government voting tax or Ciziye in exchange not serve in the military at all legal affairs islamic law had priority and the courts Islamic were open to all subjects of the sultan.

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